
Monday 21 October 2013

Walnut Butterscotch Chocolate cookies

There is only one thing in life that you can control and that is oneself. The rest, I believe is either you nudge it to you by pushing or away by pulling. You either accept or ignore otherwise anything in between is just a waste of energy.

Just like what happened to our table top oven. For the longest time, I have been using it whilst the gasket was broken. To help me with my baking, I bought an oven temperature. But still it has been a challenge since I have to watch out for the oven temperature like a hawk. And it's so frustrating! It's either we replace the gasket or buy another one. I called TMT Total Solutions Pte Ltd (this was the Tefal warranty place) eons ago and unfortunately, the gasket was out of stock and they would have a new delivery only by October. So while waiting for the new gasket, I went on a short hiatus from trying other complicated baking recipes. I got tired of guessing and waiting in front of the oven.

Finally, last Saturday, I picked the gasket from TMT Total Solutions Pte Ltd. I was so excited to bake once again. Since I have butterscotch morsels, leftover chocolate chips and walnuts, I decided to bake Walnut Butterscotch Chocolate cookies. It was like baking for the first time again. And Toddler was so excited again when he saw the cookies cooling off on the rack and couldn't wait to eat that when he tried to touch them he got burned! So he went and blew (spray I guess would be more appropriate hehehe) on some of the cookie. Anyway, everyone at home loved the cookies. It was chewy and fudgey and crunchy in texture at the same time, sweet and moist as well (I read that the crunchiness from Famous Amos cookies was because of the oats added in the recipe so I decided to add them in the cookies as well). Though next time I bake this, I would add a little more salt to balance the sweetness brought by the butterscotch morsels or lessen them perhaps.

Because my gasket is now fixed, I finally found out that my oven was off by 20 ̊ Celsius and that the right innermost of the oven was my cool spot. Cool eh! At least now I know how to work around this.
Lesson learned: You don't need a fancy oven. As long as your oven is functioning as an oven should be, that's cool enough. But you need to get to know your oven. It's best to have an internal oven temperature to really gauge how your oven temperature really works. Plus bake as often as you can to really get to know your oven.

Walnut Butterscotch Chocolate cookies
recipe by CakesandMom
  • 1 1/2 cup flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 113g butter softened
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup butterscotch morsels
  • 3/4 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup chopped and toasted walnuts
  1. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Set aside
  2. Cream butter and sugar in a separate bowl until light and fluffy.
  3. Beat eggs in a separate bowl.
  4. Add in oats in the bowl of beaten eggs.
  5. Then the mix in the flour mixture.
  6. Fold in all the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Scoop a 1 tbsp ball of dough and place on the baking sheet. Place the cookie dough at least 1 inch apart.
  8. Bake at 162 ̊ Celsius for 15-18 minutes or at 180 ̊ Celsius for 10 minutes.

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